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Get to know the woman behind Willown.

Project manager, instructional designer and trainer by day.  

Solopreneur by night.

Passionate life-long learner, storyteller and personal growth champion 24/7.


My Story

Over the last couple of years, I’ve come to learn that I have a knack for managing change.  It explains why I've gravitated to project management and process improvement roles throughout my career.  

I hold an MBA (Master of Business Administration) and I’ve served in leadership roles across five organizations and three industries. I’ve lead teams ranging in size from 5 to 300.  As an internationally certified Project Management Professional (PMP), I’ve also managed and contributed to multiple cross-functional initiatives.  All of this is to career shows that I have proven I know how to manage change in a professional environment.

Over the past few years, I’ve grown more aware of my ability to easily navigate PERSONAL CHANGE as well.  I kept hearing friends, supervisors and colleagues tell me things like “I don’t know how you’re managing all the big changes in your life” or “I’ve grown to really admire your grace and resilience given all the personal changes you’ve had to navigate.”  As these gifts of affirmation came rolling in, I took notice and started to pay attention to why I earned these accolades.

Since 2018, I’ve managed the following life changes and goals:

  • I was laid off from a company that decided to permanently close its doors and I took it as an opportunity to open new doors for myself.  I reevaluated my career aspirations and ended up pivoting my career, both in terms of industry and skillset, because I wanted to focus full-time on leadership training and instructional design.  And I've been doing just that since the career change!
  • I went on a weight loss journey and lost nearly 100 pounds.
  • My husband and I sent a child off to college and became empty nesters.
  • I got promoted at work and took on new responsibilities coaching my teammates.  
  • And then the pandemic hit. 
  • I completed two cross-country moves within one year.  One was by choice - the other by necessity because…
  • I lost a parent and became a caretaker for my surviving parent.
  • And amongst all of these changes, I built and launched this business, which means I'm achieving my dream goal of becoming an entrepreneur!

I’ve come to realize, I not only know how to effectively manage change, I also enjoy managing change.  I thrive through the transformation process - it brings out my best thinking and my best work.  And I manage any chaos that comes with change by using my project management savvy.

I’m excited and honored to share with you all the lessons I’ve learned along the way.  I can't wait to hear more about your dream goals.  Let's make them happen together!